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Common emailer mistakes to avoid

Stay on top of the basics of good practice for successful email marketing.
Gail Goodman

The correct and targeted use of emailers can do wonders for your business. However, there are many pitfalls for marketers to fall for along the line. Implementing the basics and best practice will help you avoid the common mistakes standing in the way of success.

Mistake 1: Permission violation
Permission separates legitimate email marketing content from spam. You must obtain permission before sending any commercial emails. You also need to offer a way for recipients to opt out of your mails. Failing to do this means your email could be caught in a spam filter, or worse, deleted or ignored. Permission isn’t just polite; it’s good business practice.

Mistake 2: Doomed for deletion
Make sure your email “from lname” displays your company name. Likewise, your subject line needs to clearly state what the email contains so that the reader not only wants to open it but knows what to expect. Give them something of value and you’ll have them clicking for more. A subject line that is too generic or has exclamation marks will go unopened.

Mistake 3: No call to action
You’ve sent your email for a reason, make sure your messaging has a clear instruction so that your reader knows what it is that you want them to do. You’ll know your email was effective if readers took the action you desired, whether they visited your website or purchased a product.

Mistake 4: Sensory overload
Don’t cram too much into one communication piece. This could overwhelm your readers and cause disinterest. You don’t have to accomplish all your sales goals in one email, each one should fit in your overall marketing plan(s) to target specific ideas. Look at your last campaign and imagine it with half the content. Simple, concise, targeted email communications with clear a call to action win attention and sales.

Mistake 5: List size anxiety
Don’t wait until your client or lead list is a certain size before embarking on your first email campaign. If someone gives you their email address on a business card, close the permission loop with your first mail and show them what they’ll get if they subscribe. Don’t worry if your list is only your 10 best friends. Send them your campaign and ask for feedback. With good content, they’ll forward it and your list will build itself virally.