South Africa

Financial Services Regulation

As a responsible financial services provider, we have to ensure that we abide by all the relevant legislation and codes of conduct in South Africa and abroad. Please review the information below to find out more about the legislation and codes that affect the financial industry and how this could affect you.

Code of Banking Practice

The Code of Banking Practice ("the Code") is a voluntary code that sets out the minimum standards for service and conduct you can expect from your bank with regard to the services and products it offers, and how we would like to relate to you.

Corporation for Deposit Insurance (CODI)

The Corporation for Deposit Insurance (CODI) is South Africa’s Deposit Insurance Scheme (DIS), created, or mandated by law, to protect qualifying bank depositors in the event of their bank failing. CODI is a subsidiary of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB).


The Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000 (PAIA) was passed into law to give effect to the constitutional right of access to information that is held by a private or public body and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.

NCA and Debt Review

The National Credit Act is a consumer credit legislation that promotes a fair and non-discriminatory marketplace for customers to access credit and that balances the rights of consumers and credit providers.
Debt Review is a process that was implemented through the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (“NCA”). It allows over-indebted consumers to approach their credit providers with the assistance of a debt counsellor and reach an agreement on restructuring their debt obligations.


Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 Internationally, governments have agreed to fight organised crime and terrorism by, among others, seizing the proceeds of crime and making money laundering a criminal offence. Since the 1980s many countries have passed laws that demonstrate their commitment to this effort. South Africa has also adopted money laundering laws to help it comply with its international obligations to fight organised crime and terrorism.


The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act regulates the providing of financial services (which may be advice and/or intermediary services on financial products (e.g. deposit, insurance and investment products) to you.  The FAIS Act is aimed at protecting you and professionalising the financial services industry.

USA Patriot Act

The USA Patriot Act was signed into law by the US Government on 26 October 2001. Under this new law US banks are required to obtain a certificate from their overseas correspondent banks confirming their ownership structure, regulators and physical presence.

Wolfsberg Questionnaire

The Wolfsberg questionnaire acts as an aid to firms conducting due diligence and should not be relied on exclusively or excessively.

Complaints process

If you are not satisfied with our service you can raise a complaint at your nearest branch/suite or with your relationship manager. They will give you a reference number and a timeline to resolve your complaint.

How to report unethical behaviour

If you suspect theft, fraud or corruption by any of our employees, customers or suppliers, report it immediately to our independent whistleblowing line.


POPIA was passed to promote the right to protection of personal information stipulated in the Constitution of South Africa.