South Africa

Case study: Cash flow management in the business

In the commercial real estate sector, there are often delays between a deal going through and receipt of funds, and money sometimes doesn’t come in as required from tenants.

Cash flow management can be the single biggest reason why the business doesn’t succeed. We provided our client with the means to ease cash flow pressure.


  • Our client required cash flow management solutions to assist with bridging the gap between receiving funds and making creditor payments
  • The client experienced cash flow lags between tenant and sales payments, and when unforeseen development costs arose


  • An overdraft facility enabled our client to access cash when funds were short, especially when deals took some time to process
  • A revolving credit plan and business loans ensured that there would be adequate cash flow at all times
  • Our debtor finance solution offered our client the opportunity to free up to 80% of their debtor’s book into cash flow