South Africa

Guaranteed Income Annuity

Guaranteed Income Annuity

Invest with confidence in a Liberty Guaranteed Income Annuity.

Select open now and let us help you make the most of your money.

Some of the benefits


Your income is determined upfront


Your income is guaranteed for the period that you choose

Death benefit

If you pass on during the guarantee period, your benefits are paid to your beneficiaries

Voluntary savings

The income annuity is purchased from your discretionary savings and not from your retirement benefits
What you get
  • The Liberty Guaranteed Income Annuity protects your income, for more information see

 Learn more

Terms and conditions, risks and limitations apply.

What it costs
  • Your contribution, management and advice fees will be disclosed in your quote and policy documents.
How to get it
  • What you get
  • What it costs
  • How to get it
  • The Liberty Guaranteed Income Annuity protects your income, for more information see

 Learn more

Terms and conditions, risks and limitations apply.

  • Your contribution, management and advice fees will be disclosed in your quote and policy documents.
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