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Home loan protection plan

If something happens and you can’t keep paying your bond, you can still protect your home and family with the right cover.
Some of the benefits
Full settlement
Relieve your family of the burden of settling your bond in the event of your death or permanent disability
Financial support
Leave your home loan payments to us for up to a year while you’re temporarily disabled or retrenched
Reducing premiums
Pay less every month as your outstanding balance reduces
UCount Rewards
As a member of UCount Rewards, 50 UCount tiering points are allocated each month to each qualifying insurance policy
What’s covered
Standard home loans
- Up to 6 months’ home loan payments if you’re retrenched
- Up to 12 months’ home loan payments if you’re temporarily disabled
- Your home loan is settled up to R 2m in the event of death, permanent disability or dread disease
Affordable housing home loans
- Up to 12 months’ home loan payments if you’re temporarily disabled or retrenched
- Your home is settled, up to R1 000 000 in the event of death or permanent disability
See terms and conditions (Access Home Loan)
See terms and conditions (Extensive cover)
- Home loan arrears
- Building loans
- If you’re over the age of 55, you’ll need to cede your own life cover
- Cover for retrenchment, dread disease, temporary and permanent disability ends at the age of 65
- Cover for death ends at age 75
What it costs
- Your premium decreases as the balance on your bond decreases
- Premiums are based on the cover you choose , age, gender , smoker status, income and a rate per R 1 000 of your outstanding balance
How to claim
- Call us on 0860 123 999
- Or speak to us at your nearest branch
What’s covered
What it costs
How to claim
Standard home loans
- Up to 6 months’ home loan payments if you’re retrenched
- Up to 12 months’ home loan payments if you’re temporarily disabled
- Your home loan is settled up to R 2m in the event of death, permanent disability or dread disease
Affordable housing home loans
- Up to 12 months’ home loan payments if you’re temporarily disabled or retrenched
- Your home is settled, up to R1 000 000 in the event of death or permanent disability
See terms and conditions (Access Home Loan)
See terms and conditions (Extensive cover)
- Home loan arrears
- Building loans
- If you’re over the age of 55, you’ll need to cede your own life cover
- Cover for retrenchment, dread disease, temporary and permanent disability ends at the age of 65
- Cover for death ends at age 75
- Your premium decreases as the balance on your bond decreases
- Premiums are based on the cover you choose , age, gender , smoker status, income and a rate per R 1 000 of your outstanding balance
- Call us on 0860 123 999
- Or speak to us at your nearest branch
Learn more
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